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We’re late to the party, but May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we haven’t even reached the halfway point yet, so I’d say there’s still time to talk about it. What to say!? I feel like awareness posts and efforts usually end at that. Here you are–you are now aware. I don’t even know why Mental Health is such a buzz phrase, or if people know what they’re supposed to be aware of. People say a lot, “mental health is a thing.” lol okay. So is Mental Illness. I think mental illness is really what people need to be aware of. It might help those people with acute mental illness to heal if they didn’t feel that those without those same issues would look at them crazy. Shame can’t exist in a safe space, and shame is the ultimate blocker to healing. But if people are just aware that “mental health is a thing,” then they’re not really aware of mental illness at all, or how to change to become someone who can give others a safe space to air their problems. Anyway, I don’t even think people know what they are talking about when they say mental health. I think it’s a euphemism, and why wouldn’t it be? Most people have a really hard time talking about IT. I am going to look up more about what this month is supposed to be about, and I’ll write more about it tomorrow. I suppose I should keep it going for the month of May. May–be we will all learn something. Happy Manic Monday. It’s really Tuesday, at 12:44 am. But, I’ve been awake since Monday. I think days are supposed to start at sunrise. That’s why it’s called tomorrow. Morrow means morning. So to me it is still Monday, and if you have kept reading this until the end, I hope you felt inspired, or maybe confused, and then, I hope you laughed. Goodnight. On the morrow, my friends. -CB